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Welcome to Department of Museum & Zoo's

Welcome to Department of Museum & Zoo's

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Mission - Zoo

  • To establish and sustain population of physically, genetically and behaviourally healthy animals for furthering the cause of wildlife conservation and communicating credible conservation message to the visitors.
  • Through proper landscaping and planting of appropriate species, provide naturalistic environment within the zoo to enable the visitors to have communion with nature and get motivated for living in harmony with nature.
  • Follow the standards and Norms under Recognition of Zoo rules, 2009, in the staff pattern, development and planning, animal housing and display, upkeep and healthcare, veterinary facilities, animal acquisition and breeding programmes etc.
  • Providing opportunities for education, research and citizen science on Captive as well as free roaming Wildlife life.

Mission - Museum

  • To maintain museums collections and display objects using scientifically proven preventive conservation techniques.
  • To educate the public about the collections via information boards and technological aids.
  • To provide opportunities for research, education and outreach programmes.

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