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Welcome to Department of Museum & Zoo's

Welcome to Department of Museum & Zoo's

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Education and Planning Section

Education and Planning Section

Museums and Zoological Garden are important scientific and cultural institutions to be dealt with Education, Research, Outreach exhibitions, capacity building of volunteers etc. Dissemination of scientific understanding of the Natural history as well as Heritage collections and Research is one of the most integral mission of the Museums and Zoos Department.

    • TNHM outreach program at
      Pattom Thanupillai Group of Institutions
      @ Maruthurkonam, TVM

Educational Activities

Various classes and Workshops are organized for the school/ college students and public as part of National Wildlife Week, World Environment Day, Tiger Day, Elephant Day, Museum Day etc. Competition in Quiz, Debate, Painting, Poster making etc. for school/college students are conducted as part of these days.

Trivandrum Zoo Bird Monitoring

Volunteering is a fantastic way for the students and public to become part of the Museum Zoo team and sharing the vital work of saving species from extinction. The time and talents of the volunteers will be diverse, a dedicated team could help in creating a wilder, healthier, more colourful world.

Thiruvananthapuram Zoo Bird Monitoring Team is one of the most active on- going volunteer-based activity in the Department. This monitoring activity was started in August 2022 as part of the Onam Bird count, and is held twice in a month under the leadership of TNHM Superintendent. At present, the team is Out reach pattom thanu pillai Competitions conducting surveys and updating their findings in e-bird app. The volunteers from WWF, Wildlife Consultant & Herpetologist Dr. Sujith V Gopalan and A K Shivakumar is currently extending their support for the programme.

The Museum Library situated in the Museums and Zoo campus has been one of the oldest and valuable libraries in Kerala, where a number of very rare books and manuscripts published during the last three centuries are kept for reference, along with the books published recently. This library is used by the staff of Museums and Zoo, students and teachers from colleges, research scholars from within the State as well as outside and innovative public alike. The library has valuable and very rare books published centuries back which are not available in any other libraries.


    • Adjacent to Directorate office
Education Officer in charge /
Natural History Museum Superintendent
Phone number: 960 500 8158
Email –

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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