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Welcome to Department of Museum & Zoo's

Welcome to Department of Museum & Zoo's

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  • Promote education and awareness on our glorious past through the cultural heritage protected, preserved and displayed in museums and galleries to pave way for further cultural development.
  • Provide opportunities for research in the field of Museology, Icono-grapyy, Histoy, Architecture etc. based on the objects of rare artefacts and antiquities displayed in the museums.
  • Promote wildlife conservation through zoo education programmes among general public with special reference to younger generation.
  • Facilitate wildlife research in the field of Animal nutrition, Physiology, Reproductive biology, Behavioral science etc. using captive wild animals with the ultimate goal of evolving management strategies for effective wildlife protection and insitu management.

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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